Dakota Access Pipeline in Unity- Final VR Project

For my final VR project, I wanted to recreate a timeline of the Dakota Access Pipeline situation in Unity. I am a broadcast major and this issue has not been getting a lot of news coverage until recent events and I thought that it would be different and informational to recreate difference scenes of the pipeline construction and protests to give viewers a better understanding of what the issue is and what is actually going on over there. When I began I quickly realized that I was too ambitious in...

Pagan Full Moon Ritual – Final Project – Anna Leach

For my final project, I decided to record a Pagan ritual. The ceremony which fit best with the timing of this assignment was December's full moon ritual, as put on by SPIRAL, the Pagan group on campus. After clearing the idea with SPIRAL, I recorded the entire ritual from the center of the circle. The circular formation allowed for a unique perspective on an already taboo and often misinterpreted set of faith traditions. To develop a greater sense of story, I split the ritual up into its different components in...

Port Final Project: Present Day Auschwitz

The magic of virtual reality lies within its sense of presence. VR has the ability to take a user to a certain place, in a certain time, and experience what its like to physically be there, rather than watch from an outside perspective. Users aren't just watching the story unfold, users are part of the story. This immersion causes users to feel emotions much more deeply than they would if the same content was moved to a different platform. Due to this effect, the storyteller must consistently keep users in mind when designing...

Final Project Articek: Downtown Syracuse

Start: How I found my topic. It was a long way until I got the topic of my final project. Ambitious as I am, I started to work on the topic in the middle of the semester. I really wanted to show the user the incredible facility of the Landmark Theater in Syracuse. Unfortunately, the Landmark Theater couldn’t see the emerging technology of a virtual reality video and didn’t give me permission to shoot as well as to talk to me. “This is nothing for us”’ they said. Okay, I...

Final Project the Mount Everest Project

  This is the final prototype for the Mount Everest Project. The objects there are interactive, the pins, signs, and several objects can be interacted which would show some information and insight about trekking Mount Everest.' The problems that I have faced are trying to get the height map to work which isn't hard because of photoshop. The other problem is creating a miniature  Mount Everest, which I tried using Geo mapping on google but the size that I can capture is too small, so I decided to use Maya...

Spera: Final Project (360 Video)

At the onset of this final project, I felt like I had a lot of ideas and no ideas at the same time. I was confused about what I wanted to achieve and how I wanted to do it. I knew I wanted to do a 360 video, but I was unsure in regards to the topic, story line, location, characters, etc. I initially wanted to do a project recounting the story of when a friend of mine was raped. This was a really serious topic and the more I...

Final Project Couwenberg – Meet Sky Club: An Immersive Music Experience

Viar360 Link: https://app.viar360.com/media?leaf=Xz2FYlyioESr   For my final project I created an interactive experience based around a band named Sky Club. The experience is centered around the creation and life of a song. It starts with an intro to the group and then brings the viewer into the main producer’s dorm room where the group creates all of their music. From there the viewer goes into the official music suites in Newhouse to master the song. After you explore the studios, the viewer leaves and goes to the concert to watch...

Color Blind: A 360 Experience

https://app.viar360.com/media?leaf=LAAu14bsyzUv I saw a reaction video on Facebook about a year ago, of people with a specific type of color deficiency putting on glasses which correct that to normal vision. The reactions were incredible, powerful, tear-filled moments for the people involved, and it got me thinking about what it would be like to live with color deficiency. Of course you can never really know what it's like to see through someone else's eyes, or maybe that's not true any more.  V.R. has opened a Pandora's box of experiential content, so...

Independent Learning: 3D Printing GoPro 360 Video Rigs

I've always had a supreme fascination with 3D printing, but I never got to sit down and learn it. As students at Syracuse University, we have access to a plethora of 3D printers through the SU Makerspace located in the Kimmel Computer Cluster. If you plug in 311 Waverly Avenue, just look or this sign!  There are ten different brands of 3D printers in the Makerspace: MakerBot2 3D Printer MakerBot2x 3D Printer MakerBot 5th Generation The Gigabot (with 30x the printing volume) Stratasys Mojo 3D Printer Maker Gear M Series Printrbot...

Viola FInal project

Our final project (I worked with Marissa Blanchard) went fairly smooth through shooting, but met several problems on the back end. Our idea was to shoot a 360 video at a Syracuse Chiefs game, putting fans right by the dugout, in front row seats. Marissa really deserves the credit for reaching out and getting us access and permission to do this. Our original plan was to shoot opening day, but after it got delayed due to a pari of rain outs, we had to settle for a different game. However...