Independent Learning – Schiff

For my independent learning project, I chose to learn more about special effects and lighting within Unity since that is what the majority of my final project was based around.  My took the Lynda course : "Unity 5: 3D essential training" along with Unity's visual effects manual. The first thing I learned was how to create particles using special effects.  Once you are in Unity, you can add a component called "particle system" onto an object.  This is where I made the cool dust floating particles above the house and...

Schiff Final Unity Project

Ever since watching Stranger Things, I always wanted to visit the "upside down".  Once I dipped my feet into Unity, I realized that I could make that possible.  I came up with the idea that you would start out in Will's home where the christmas lights were hanging everywhere and the alphabet was painted on the wall.  You would then see an avatar, preferably someone in the show, appear and they would walk you through the experience.  Following the house, you would walk outside into the "upside down".  You would...

Assignment 5 – Unity Scene

This is the first scene I've created in Unity.  It was definitely a lot more challenging than I expected.  As you watch the video, you walk through a campsite on the side of a mountain.  There are two tents, a campfire and a USPS mailbox.  I added that in there just for fun because that is probably the last place you would expect a mailbox to be.  Who would come all the way over there to pick up the mail? I added in a special sky effect to make it...

Assignment 4 – Improving Our 360 Video

Our 360 video idea originally started off at Urban Life, a workout studio in Armory Square.  After filming and started editing the video, it became a complete disaster.  The room is a very trendy setting with flashing lights and mirrored walls.  Unfortunately, this does not go over well with AutoPano.  The room was way too dim and we could not see anything.  For our improvements, we decided to go a totally different route.  We filmed three different segments of athletics, first starting with a spin class on campus, followed by...

Assignment #2 – 360 Video Pitch

Imagine being a prospective student or recent graduate on game day and the whole school is drenched in orange. Now imagine reliving that feeling on campus through a 360 video. My video will start at a game day tailgate. The camera rig will be placed above 7 feet so you can see everything and everyone. Since there are so many people at an event like this, you wont be able to see anything if you’re average height level. Also a ghosting effect may occur if people are too close.   The...

Assignment 1: Matthew Schiff

Over the summer I was able to partake in my first real experience with VR. Prior to the summer, my interest in the VR world was sparked when Facebook introduced Facebook 360. This is where I was first exposed to this world but it wasn’t until the summer when I realized VR is so much more than just a 360 video. During our class, I started out at the Google Cardboard station. This is definitely the most basic, bare bones type of VR you can get your hands on. It...