Port Independent Learning

"In video games, it's completely different. The players are at the center of the action. THEY decide when and where to move, look, and take action. They can spend ten minutes in a hallway. Or ten seconds. The players can open this door, then that door, then go out this window. Or they can just go out another window. Maybe they turn around and go around the building. The pace and direction are entirely up to the players. This non-linear interactive storytelling is one of the many innovations that video games...

First VR Experience

My first experience using VR was physically, and mentally overwhelming. Previously, the closest experience I've had to VR was watching 360 videos playing on the wall of the Dick Clark Studios. I quickly learned the gap between the VR experience and the 360 video experience is the gap between guarding LeBron James and shooting around on a portable hoop with your dad. The first VR device I tried was the Gear. The first odd mental sensation I felt was the confusion as to how tall I was. I'm 6'3"; on the Gear, because...

VR Storytelling Final (Honestly, thank god it’s over)

Well, here we go. My Unity project is the story of an alien or another celestial being learning about human life and culture through the study of their dances.  The character is First person and walks into a chamber that leads him to a sort of Museum of Dance. The character walks around experiencing the different dance fads of human times from twerking to the macarena.  This gives the character insight into how the human population of Earth expresses themselves and communicates. I set out to show that Virtual Reality...

Final Project_Syracuse City Ballet_Dingyue Zhang&Shumin Lai

Our project is the 360 video of dance performance by Syracuse City Ballet on April 12th. We only had one time opportunity so we borrowed two 360 cameras. However, all six gopros of one camera were all out of battery when we checked the equipment. We had to charge them all as soon as possible. During the shooting, we tried to get to the stage as close as we could, but the staff didn’t allow us to do so. We tried different angles to get better frames. Another problem is...

Creating and fighting an Animated Character in the HTC Vive using Playmaker in Unity – Assignment 6 / 7

In this post I won't go over how to animate a character in Unity or the basics of Playmaker. Those can be found here in a tutorial by Professor Dan Pachecho. However I did want to touch on the subject of Global Variables, which are very important to this construction. Basically, a global variable can be called by any object's FSM and whatever is stored in the variable is shared throughout the scene. This allows you to store values such as Health or distance and call them from any object....

Mo Cap, Unity, and Me – A Study in Low-Budget Motion Capture

Every good story needs characters. No matter what medium you're using to tell a story, people latch on to anyone they can relate to or feel for. And if that story happens to be in virtual reality, they can latch on all the more tightly. They share a space with the character. They inhabit its world. They empathize with it, no matter how obviously CGI it is. Case and point: Kiya Notice the way these people move. It's never stiff or robotic. They gesture fluidly to each other. They naturally...

Carla Sertin – Stitching very similar videos in Auto Pano

My group filmed three dancers doing a routine to Beyonce's "Formation". Because we filmed in Studio D, which has a wraparound black curtain, the backgrounds looked really similar and Autopano had a meltdown trying to figure out how to stitch the videos together -- to be brief, one of the dancers was working it on the ceiling... I googled the problem and found that you can use a template panorama to help Autopano figure out where each video should go. Basically, you take an existing 360 video project (the file from...

Assignment 1- Sawyer Rosenstein

I'm that guy. I'm the guy who speaks in more acronyms than words. I'm the guy who can tell you about all the video games he's played and how they were better back in the day. I'm the guy who everyone goes to with technology troubles. As a result, that guy is usually associated with being a techno-geek or a techno-snob. You know what? It's true, I have become such a snob with new technology, having been able to try so much of it in Newhouse, especially with Professor Pacheco. So...