Assignment 5- 3D modeling

Assignment 5- 3D modeling

When it came to using 123dCatch, I was in the group whose apps stalled in the same position for more than 24 hours, jeopardizing our ability to do the assignment.  The last time I checked my phone, the app was still stalled.  The first two scans I took were done relatively quickly but they were terrible.  So, I deleted them.  It was the third one that went on the infinite processing procedure.  I wasted an entire weekend waiting for that thing to make a decision.

So, it was quite a relief to get a 48-hour extension.  I ended up using the last 5-10 minutes of class time on Monday to do a 3D scan of myself in the Innovation Lab.  I then sent the scan to my computer. Between then and Wednesday, I lost the instructions for what to do next and, with the 11:59 pm deadline on Wednesday, decided to use my class time on Wednesday to fill in the gaps.  This did end up happening.  With the help of my professor, I was able to get much closer to full completion of the assignment.  Since I was on a time crunch due to scheduling conflicts pertaining to a different class' outside requirements, I was unable to use Cyberduck to complete the file transfer.  At home, I used the recommended Filezilla.  All was well until my computer screen blared red alerts about a virus, leading me to have to shut down the Filezilla download.  I was throughly frustrated that I'd come so close to completion only to come upon another roadblock.  I immediately became concerned about the presence of a virus in my computer system or the potential of a new download bringing in another one.  Still, I must say that, thanks to the amount of time spent in class on Wednesday getting closer to completing the assignment, I got closer than I thought I would to completing said goal.  I did the assignment.  It was the file transfer process where I ran into the problems.

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