Final Project – Emily Bailey

After seeing a few 360 videos for films and TV shows such as "Zoolander" and "The Walking Dead," I was interested in learning how these traditional media companies are using emerging technology such as VR to captivate their audience. I noticed these videos were promotional material for the actual TV series or movie, giving the fans a behind-the-scenes look at their favorite shows and films. The ability to immerse yourself into the world of a show, especially one very different from your own, is a unique experience that brings you...

Emily Bailey – Independent Learning Assignment

I found the 360 video part of this class to be the most in line with my skills and interests, so throughout this class I have pushed myself to take these videos to the next level visually. When we learned how to use Auto Pano Video for our class projects, I noticed the auto color feature does a decent job at correcting any uneven colors throughout all six videos, but the tools were limited. As a TRF major, I use Adobe Premiere Pro for my video editing and have wanted...

Final Assignment Pitch – Welcome to Kepler

For my final assignment, I am collaborating with the TV Production Capstone Class to create a 360 trailer to promote their TV series. Background on the sci-fi series: 100 years in the future, a group on 15,000 humans left planet Earth because the living conditions had become unlivable due to nuclear warfare and climate change. The humans move to the planet Kepler which is similar environmentally to Earth. However the Kossans species-- the native race to Kepler-- don't like their new company and begin killing off the humans. Only 63 humans remain...

Assignment 5 – Emily Bailey

Computer-Generated Scene in Unity For this assignment I created a scene where two soldiers were cruising around with their army truck next to a lake in a very serene landscape. I decided to add tall, jagged mountains that made the scene feel other-worldly, yet similar to Earth terrain. I wanted to create a scene in which soldiers were exploring another Earth-like planet that is being colonized by humans. Ideally I would have added more 3D models to the scene to make it seem as though the soldiers were camping out on...

Assignment 2 – Emily Bailey 360 Video Pitch

I want to capture the experience of ice skating in a public space where beginners and experts combine at the Clinton Square Ice Rink in Syracuse. Since the shape of an ice rink is circular and the action of ice skating involves moving in a circle, having a rig placed in the ice rink will create a very engaging 360 experience. The rink itself would be a large space to work with, and would be interesting to have the 360 rig in the center of the ice rink and be...

Assignment 1 – Emily Bailey

As a Television/Radio/Film major, 360 videos and VR experiences intrigue me as they become more prevalent in my industry. Getting the opportunity to experience and create my own VR experiences before beginning my career will be beneficial and allow me to stand out among other applicants. I'm hoping to enhance my video production skills and overall awareness of emerging media and technology. Wednesday's class was my first time using a VR headset, and had the opportunity to try out both the Samsung Gear VR and the View-Master VR headset. At...