Assignment 6 was one of the easier assignments for me to complete. I already had my scene ready, so all I had to do was put in a few sounds to make it work. I had one minor complication in that the camera has an audio output, and it takes all the sound and outputs it at once. So, when I gave the gorilla in my scene a howling noise, you could hear no matter where you were in the scene. To fix this, all I had to do was cancel the sound on the camera. I then put the Gorilla sound on 3D, and it gets louder as you get closer.


I have three sounds in my scene, although there are really only two that you can hear. In addition to the gorilla howl, I also have a waterfall noise and running river noise. The problem I had with both of those is that they were two quiet. You can just barely hear them, and since they in a similar area they blend together. I tried a lot of different things in order to try and get the volume louder, but nothing really worked. Perhaps the mp3 files that I uploaded were quiet. That’s really the only question I have about how this works.


I think having 3D sound makes the scenes so much better. Constant sound doesn’t mimic real life, and the whole point of virtual reality is to replicate reality but with some tweaks and changes. So, all in all I’m pleased both with the new knowledge of who this works and also with how easy it is to put in there.