My Mixamo assignment I actually completed along with my Playmaker assignment kind of by accident. When I was first doing my Playmaker assignment, I really wanted to add characters to my scene to give it a little more authenticity and visual interest. In searching for pre-made characters and animations to use I stumbled on Mixamo's website.

When thinking about what I wanted to create, I had originally been looking for a character the FPC could interact with in order to get to the treasure. When looking around online at tutorials I found that in order to incorporate that aspect into my scene, it would require a lot of C# coding - coding that I have no idea how to do. By the time I stumbled upon Mixamo, I truly thought I wasn't going to be able to use characters. Mixamo's extensive library was amazing and I really thought it was cool how I could string together animations and see the character perform them before I downloaded them.

When I added my Mixamo character into my scene I quickly noticed that the mesh on the character was see through. Until Prof. Pacheco demoed in class I had no idea how to change the mesh to opaque, so unfortunately for my assignment my character still looked like quite a zombie.

In the beginning I wanted the character to interact and try to fight the FPC, but found linking animations with Mixamo characters required much more coding that I did not have the time or experience to mess around with. I really was starting to realize that knowing how to code is an essential part of creating great interactive VR scenes. Eventually, I got my Mixamo character to loop one action - basically him drunk sitting down, wobbling, then falling to the ground. In the end it worked out, I added bottles to the scene and placed the character next to a fire and played it off like FPC was taking treasure from a drunk guy. All in all, I had a pretty great time with this assignment.