Assignment 6- Chazz Inniss

I was looking up a whole bunch of different tutorials on how to get my characters to animate with triggers.  I am looking for where exactly I went wrong so I can learn from this for the future.  I really want my final project to be in Unity and I am looking for ways to definitely improve.  I worked in PlayMaker and I was pretty sure I had the physics of what I was doing correctly but I guess my characters thought otherwise because they just stood there like statues...

Assignment 6: Carla Sertin finds treasure

Simple Playmaker test: Finding treasure! As the magic floating disco ball moves over a long distance, I used two trigger zones. They're rigged so that the ball moves when the player enters the zone, and again when they exit it. I attempted a more complicated animation but couldn't get it to work -- I was using a Mixamo character and think I may have imported it wrong/done something to the settings that they cannot forgive. I tried to make a character fade when the player entered a trigger zone using "Set Visibility"...

Assignment 6 Wang

This is what I did for assignment 6. I applied  "Play Animation" and "Stop Animation"for each of the walking zombie. I made the zombie at front the trigger object and set animation for him as well. I also applied "Audio play", when the player walks into the trigger zombie's area of the box collider, a funny music starts to play, when he or she walks out of the area it stops. What a pity we cannot hear it from the screen record. Update: last time I forgot to include the...

Assignment 6: Ott

Despite having some pretty lofty aspirations for what I wanted to do with playmaker I settled for a simple scene using a "switch" and a floating cylinder.  I'm not pleased with how it looks but I am happy that it functions the way that I intended. Also, moving forward I wonder if this is how you make floating platforms for games? It wouldn't be particularly hard to swap my cylinder with a cube, add collision the cube, slow is speed, and then use that to carry an FPS controller. Just...