3/21/2018 Lecture Notes

3/21/2018 Lecture Notes


  • Welcome back! Any good Spring Break stories?
  • What I did on my Spring Break.
  • There are only 5 weeks of class left!!!
  • Lots of missing assignments in Blackboard. Remember, you have to post your URLs there too or you get a zero.
  • Remember that Assignment 6: Use Mixamo to animate avatars with Playmaker is due Thursday.

The latest in VR News

Assignment 7: Final project pitch

  •  Assignment 7, due March 25, is to pitch your final project. You will pitch in a pitch session March 28, and the best pitch (chosen by all of you) will win a cool prize. 🙂
  • Things to keep in mind for final projects:
    • You get to choose the technology and platfom: 360 video, CGI with Unity.
    • You are showing everything you have learned but will be held to a professional standard.
    • The quality, scope and attention to storytelling should go well beyond your assignments.
    • Don't ask, "How long should it be?" Ask yourself, "What is the right experience for this particular story?"

Enabling for Oculus and Vive

  • Oculus Utilities for Unity
  • SteamVR
  • VRTK

Visit to innovation lab

  • We'll look at some simple projects that incorporate the Oculus and Vive controllers.
  • Bring one of your projects on a flash drive to load it up and enable for Oculus or Vive.


I'm the lead professor for the VR Storytelling class and the Chair of Journalism Innovation at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.

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