Independent Learning- Adobe Fuse

So thanks Prof. Ken Harper for reminding me about this blog post! The independent study that I looked into was Learning Adobe Fuse to design my own characters.  It's unfortunate that I didn't apply any of these actual skills that I learned to my projects, it probably would've added a little bit of pizzazz to a lot of them. I learned about all the different forms of character customization all the way down to the material of the clothing that my character was wearing and the patterns that are displayed...

Mo Cap, Unity, and Me – A Study in Low-Budget Motion Capture

Every good story needs characters. No matter what medium you're using to tell a story, people latch on to anyone they can relate to or feel for. And if that story happens to be in virtual reality, they can latch on all the more tightly. They share a space with the character. They inhabit its world. They empathize with it, no matter how obviously CGI it is. Case and point: Kiya Notice the way these people move. It's never stiff or robotic. They gesture fluidly to each other. They naturally...