After my first experience with Unity, I decided to go about creating my second one in a different way. Instead of finding assets in the store that I could somehow turn into a scene, I approached my scene with an idea - then had to find the assets that fit what I wanted to do.

I knew I wanted to create a scene that had a lot of visual interest, was dark and required participation to interact with my PlayMaker component. I created a lake with choppy water, heavy rain, and a house far off on land in one corner. My intention in finding assets was to have the FPC land on a raft in the water, the controller then having to move the raft to the dock, and finally the controller heading across land to the house where he would find a treasure.

In creating this scene however, I encountered many problems. First, I had trouble finding assets that came Playmaker ready. I had wanted to have some form of building the controller had to interact with in order to find the treasure, but in the end I settled for the treasure box we used in class because I was having so much trouble finding another asset that would work. I put the treasure box into my scene then encountered a whole other problem - a turning box. Eventually, despite much tweaking on my part, I came to the conclusion that the treasure box would glitch if it was not facing in the original direction it was imported. Each time my controller approached the box, instead of just opening, the box would open and immediately do a 90 degree turn. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get the glitch to stop happening.

Another issue I had with Playmaker during this process was with my raft. After finding a tutorial online, I added code to the raft to allow it to move across the water. After trying this out a couple times, I thought the raft was taking too long to reach its destination and decided to change the action over to Playmaker's iTween. Turns out iTween had a whole host of issues too. I think I tried 30 different variations of settings and controls and no matter what I did the raft would move to the dock fine, but upon arrival it would promptly capsize. In the end, after hours of trying to make the raft move with Playmaker I gave in and moved my FPC to land on the shore, instead of on the raft.