Independent Learning: GoPro

Independent Learning: GoPro

Reflecting back on this awesome semester, I had the opportunity to force myself to think about storytelling in different ways. Learning to overcome obstacles in filming and editing was incredibly valuable.

Unlike a lot of people our age, I don't own a GoPro or have never used one for my personal or professional use. I decided to watch Lynda courses that would refine my GoPro skills and make shooting 360 video a little easier. As most of us know, the interface on GoPro cameras is not the most user friendly-- especially while doing it within the 360 rig.

These classes helped me while setting up for the shoot to avoid issues in settings being off. It helped make the set up quicker and overall made me more confident during the shoot. There are enough complications in creating a 360 video, that eliminating as much risk as possibly was really beneficial.

I wanted to find a course on AutoPano but unfortunately could not-- maybe someone in our class could do one?!

By Marissa Blanchard


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