Assignment 2- Watch What Happens- Flavin

I just created my first scene of virtual reality.  Holy cow.  It took me multiple attempts between the first try and the final cut to come up with a simple sequence that I felt proud of.  For a while, I found these multiple attempts at creating a scene to be very frustrating.  I couldn't wrap my head around the technology, there were so many balls to juggle, and there were so many folders within folders within folders, hidden in obscure places on the computer desktop.  There were moments where I...

Assignment 2 – Zsitvay

Using Unity for the first time was a great experience. The ability to create a world in seconds and then being able to jump right in it was what really impressed me the most. At first, the interface took a little time to get used to, but after some practice it became familiar. I have used 3D software before (Cinema 4D), but I found Unity to be very different. Most of the time I was trying to get better with the various terrain tools. My goal was to create realistic...

Assignment 2 – Josh Daghir

Josh Daghir I expected using Unity to be extremely difficult for me, but after creating my first scene, I realized that I have done things like this before. When Prof. Pacheco was mentioning the student who brought his origami to class, I thought, “I must not be a 3-D thinker, I’ve always been terrible with origami and sculpture and any other 3-D project that students do in a high school art class.” But after working with the software, I realized that this type of work is what I loved to...

VR Scene (Assignment 2)

I really enjoyed this project, because I tried to think about how to utilize the full space. It took some getting use to, to be able to think in a much larger 3D dimensional world. I am very use to shooting for film and TV which requires a lot of focus on what is in the fore, mid, and background to create a more realistic feeling. This however, took another level of consideration, because you also had to take into account what was above you and behind you. When the...

Assignment 2 – First VR Scene

By: Kristen Powers Dear Unity,  It's a love/hate relationship. I can not wait to get to know you more, but the first time we met I could tell you were going to be a bit difficult. However, we managed to make this first one work, so cheers to more.  That is basically how I feel after completing this first assignment. I can't say it is a masterpiece, but I am pretty happy that I managed to add the requirements. I also had some fun messing with the terrain and testing out...

Assignment 2: Sarconi

Although I had to create a scene three times because I had major problems with saving, I thoroughly enjoyed making my scene. The best part was being able to walk through it, and see what the scene looked like on the ground. It made all the frustration and hard work worth it because I could walk through my scene and see the boat I put in there, or the campfire I had right next to the water. I couldn't experience it virtually in 3D, but even to just be able...

Assignment 2 – PK

Creating the first Unity Scene was so much fun! I feel like an artist. It was quite cool seeing my ideas take shape in a virtual world. This provided me an opportunity to explore my own thoughts in 3D as well as enable my friends to explore the world I created. To complete the project I used the skills learned in first Unity Class in IST 600, Lynda Unity Course Material, Unity Docs and other resources available online. The software looked daunting at first, with so many options and a tight user interface....

Assignment 1 – Jennifer Li

In class on Wednesday I had the pleasure of trying on some different virtual reality headsets. I tried Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR, and Oculus Rift DK2. These immersive headsets worked to create presence and use 360 degree video and head tracking to either tell stories or create an experience for the user.   The first one I got to try was the Treyvon Martin experience on the google cardboard. I thought the experience was okay, but the graphics definitely distracted me from the story. Using real audio from the...

Virtual Reality Experience!

Virtual Reality is booming and I love every second of it! Being able to experience some of the worlds that have been created has brought me great insight to the story telling techniques that have been developed thus far. What I really enjoyed in terms of what did work was the documentary involving the Ebola outbreak in Africa. The VR has been referred to as the empathy machine, and this stood true with the Ebola story. What really worked to help create this space was the 360-degree view at all...

Assignment 1 – VR Experience

Virtual Reality Experience Kristen Powers Virtual Reality is a new concept to me, but after joining this class I feel like I hear about it everywhere I turn. This emerging technology has an exciting future, so I am thrilled to learn how to use VR early on in the game. Not only is it a great way to tell stories, but it is a blast to experience! Every story that I entered into left me smiling ear to ear, or with my mouth hanging open in amazement. My group got in...