Assignment 2

Story Outline: A girl is walking on the street. Suddenly a guy runs towards her and grabs her bag. The girl chases him and finally gives up after several minutes. The guy finds that he is succeed so he stops running and start to check the bag. When he is opening the purse, a police comes and asks what is he doing. The man fails to conceal his crime but surprisingly the police doesn’t arrest him. He takes the bag and ask the man to go, warning him not to...

Assignment 3/4 – 360 video – Quin, Carla, Thomas, Benjamin

I want to collaborate with one of the dance groups on campus and re-create a similar video (like the one below) using their choreography to a different song. When someone puts on a google cardboard (or another head set) they will be transported to an all white room, surrounded by dancers performing a piece of choreography and interacting with them (interacting with the camera by making eye contact, motioning for them to join in on the dancing, etc). Because the dancers would be performing the choreography in a circle around...

Abell Assignment Two

I think lots of movement would be a really cool scene if done right. While it is a great experience being in the virtual world inside a room, it is even better when you feel like you are really part of the environment. There is something about the human (or animal) element that really connects with our senses and makes us feel like we are part of the experience -- the empathy machine doing its job. A really cool scene would be either a congregation or someplace very crowded where...

360 Video Pitch – Federico Ghelli

The people that keeps the SU community safe. My idea for this 360 video project is to provide someone else with the experience of living the life of a Syracuse University's DPS officer. Often we forget that there are people who work everyday to ensure that us students have the most safe college experience possible. DPS officers are probably some of the most important individuals in a college campus, and without them we would probably be exposed to many more risks that we already run here in Syracuse. For this...

My first experience of VR  Meng Fu 

    I always love new technical things which is interesting and innovating. I had heard of VR and AR many years but I hadn’t experienced it until the last semester. As long as I have tried it several times now, I can say that VR is amazing!   I have tried two kinds of VR facility. One works with smart phones. There is one called Sumsung Gear VR and others made by cardboard. And the other – the famous Oculus Rift - needs to connect with computer. Both of them have unique feature and gave me another world when I used it.   The cardboard viewer enables you to carry the facility conveniently and it is cheaper. You can lie...

Blanchard – Assignment One

By Marissa Blanchard Last semester I took a course called Trendspotting in Digital Media, and it challenged me to think about implications of technology in new ways. Science nerds create this incredible, advanced technology and media nerds tell stories. Professor Sean Branagan asked the first day: Why don't these two work together more? They have in the past. Television was created and entertainment took to it and adapted.  The Internet was born and then YouTube, Facebook and more ways of telling stories. VR needs media people to help give this...

Kaufax: Assignment 1

Late post, but I was finally granted access into the system after WordPress gave me the runaround for a minute since I registered for the class late... Experimenting with all VR technology in the lab was mind blowing for me.  I guess I should preface all this by saying that going into this class, I'd heard things from my friends about Oculus Rift and the HTC 1, Google Cardboard and the ever-changing nature of how we interact with multimedia and tell our stories...but I never really had taken the time...

Abell — First Assignment

Putting on all of the different headsets last class was definitely very cool. Though I have tried these before, each one is still just a little different and the experience always changes. I currently have the cardboard VR set, and one thing about it is it's significantly less clear than the nicer ones, I often notice that things are blurry. Still, it is very cool to experience VR as I do sometimes feel physically present in the world. I watched the Ebola outbreak in Liberia video, and at some parts...

Assignment 1 – Emily Bailey

As a Television/Radio/Film major, 360 videos and VR experiences intrigue me as they become more prevalent in my industry. Getting the opportunity to experience and create my own VR experiences before beginning my career will be beneficial and allow me to stand out among other applicants. I'm hoping to enhance my video production skills and overall awareness of emerging media and technology. Wednesday's class was my first time using a VR headset, and had the opportunity to try out both the Samsung Gear VR and the View-Master VR headset. At...

First experience with VR

State it as the first time might not be accurate enough since I had tried or seen others trying VR sets for more than one time. However, last Wednesday was when I actually started to experience it with active thoughts. Innovations have always been fascinating to me. And when I saw the video of VR roller coaster on YouTube back in 2014, I knew that there would be one day I got involved with VR creation. The fact is, getting the information of the VR storytelling course from professor Schoonmaker and...