Assignment 1: My VR Experience

I still remember that moment. Exhausted after a whole day design class, I was immediately caught attention by a girl wearing a black goggle. She waved in the air, exclaiming and walking around. “A rainbow,” she cried. Finally, I was told that the goggle she wore named virtual reality (VR) gear. I was totally mesmerized by VR since then. I had a chance to experience more in virtual reality Storytelling class. It was so awesome to wear the VR goggles, where I was brought to a brand new world. Generally...

Assignment 1 – Shuyi Jin

The word VR is not new for me since there are companies promoting VR products constantly through different platforms, but I never get the chance to actually experience it. Last Wednesday was the first time I actually experience VR and finally understand why people would wait in line for two hours just for one game. It was fascinating to watch performance in the front line and to walk among my own artwork. I watched a YouTube music video with the Oculus on. The 360 video showed up in front of...

My First VR Experience

Although I’ve watched others experience VR before, I had never experienced it for myself until Wednesday in class. Before trying it, I was skeptical if the graphics would be high enough quality to make me feel physically transported into the scene being portrayed. However, I was quickly proven wrong. First, I tried using Google Cardboard. Having to hold the device prohibited me from feeling fully immersed in the scene. I was experiencing flying from a bird’s perspective. The quality of the image was poor in regards to the realistic look...

Assignment 1: Matthew Schiff

Over the summer I was able to partake in my first real experience with VR. Prior to the summer, my interest in the VR world was sparked when Facebook introduced Facebook 360. This is where I was first exposed to this world but it wasn’t until the summer when I realized VR is so much more than just a 360 video. During our class, I started out at the Google Cardboard station. This is definitely the most basic, bare bones type of VR you can get your hands on. It...

First VR Experience

My first experience using VR was physically, and mentally overwhelming. Previously, the closest experience I've had to VR was watching 360 videos playing on the wall of the Dick Clark Studios. I quickly learned the gap between the VR experience and the 360 video experience is the gap between guarding LeBron James and shooting around on a portable hoop with your dad. The first VR device I tried was the Gear. The first odd mental sensation I felt was the confusion as to how tall I was. I'm 6'3"; on the Gear, because...

Port – My Experience With VR

My Experience With VR Carly Port Prior to this class, I have had no experience with VR, so it’s safe to say that Wednesday’s lab section was extremely new and exciting for me. I had the opportunity to try out Google Cardboard, the HTC Vive and Holo Lens, all very different experiences. All my experiences thus far have been with wireless modes of virtual reality. While trying on the Google Cardboard, I did not feel entirely immersed in the virtual reality space. I was utilizing the Discovery VR app for...

Assignment 1- Cameron Spera

Cameron Spera Wednesday's class included a lot of "firsts" for me. It was the first time I had ever experienced VR other than through Google Cardboard. It was also the first time I ever saw a Cirque de Soleil performance and walked through my own art masterpiece. It was pretty fun to say the least. Although everything seemed like a novelty to me since I am pretty much new to the VR world, there were some apps and techniques that I quickly realized worked a lot better for me than...

My first VR experience

My first experience of VR was fascinated and powerful. It is also frightening to acknowledge that the technology today is able to literally play with our mind and senses. From what I felt, the storytelling technique that has been working the best is the U2 show by Oculus glasses. The combination between the sounds and visual images takes you into the story, and the performance that is made as an intimate performance made my feelings be part of the game. The 3D sound makes the experience be more interesting.  I...

Jason Mussman Assignment 1

Having been in VR environments multiple times I decided to attack this assignment from an observational standpoint at watching my fellow classmate’s reaction to their first VR experiences.  I love VR, and knowing that this is going to be the future of content consumption it is interesting to see how first time users experience VR.   Many people in the class have used VR once or twice but still many have never experienced it.  I sat eagerly watching fellow students trying on the GearVR for the first time.  As you...

New experiences in VR

 Although I've had some experience in VR before, my time in the Innovation Lab helped me experience a lot more about the medium. I was able to try new pieces of hardware such as the Samsung Gear and the RIEM 3. I think that the Gear VR and the RIEM were pretty great as more high-quality mobile versions of VR are concerned. They allowed portability, with the advantages of control using simple buttons to interact with the media. The 3D video on stage for a band at a music festival...