Final Project – Yeagee Jung

My final project was covering the Mr. Asia pageant put on by the Asian Students in America. It's an event hosted by the club that celebrates diversity and inclusion on campus. What drew my attention to this particular event was that there was a male pageant aspect of the event that I thought was really fun and unique. The event was first put in place last year, so this year marked the second time that it was put on, and I think it went really well! I was worried because...

Yeagee Jung – Independent Learning

For my project, I had to google and teach myself how to use the fades and mix different audio clips into my video. Because my project was made up of a lot of little clips of different performances, I wanted to make sure that they lined up with my video and I had to google on how to do that in VR just to make sure that it was all either the same process as a normal non-VR video or if it was a different process. During the shooting of,...

Assignments 5+6

In this newest edition of my world, I made it so that there's the captain of the army who makes first contact with the large alien farm animals. He walks halfway while the spaceship directly goes to the front of the sheeps face. I had a lot of fun finding the animations on Mixamo and i found it challenging to stick them into the program and add the skins, but once I found out where all those buttons were, it was easy to make the whole thing come together. I...

Assignment 4 – Yeagee Jung

I made a whimsical land where there are mutant farm animals that are our protagonists. They want to escape the dry famine land so they venture across the land and reach a lush mountainside, but are stopped by a small faction that seem to belong to a bigger army. It was really fun making this land and I liked being able to pick and choose my assets to go into the space. The sound element of the exercise didn't work for me; I kept trying to attach a sound to...

Assignment 3 – Yeagee Jung

Our group decided to cover the club swim team at SU. We arrived there on Tuesday around 8:00 PM and started setting up. The club president was our connect and was also available to be interviewed. Some of the challenges we ran into were that we didn't consider too seriously how important the concept of not having a behind the camera was. Also hard was finding a subject that would be dynamic enough to film in 360 without there being too much boring down time. our group initially struggled with...

Assignment 1: Yeagee Jung

This was my first experience really with any sort of VR technology. I found it to be a fascinating medium because of the way that the user could immerse themselves into the experience. I used the Oculus and the Samsung headset and I found both to be super interesting just because of the way that they differed. I felt that the Oculus really was a surrounding experience where I felt like I was put into that scenario, and the Samsung headset gave me more of a looking into somewhere from...