Independent Learning – Koenig

For my independent learning, instead of reading, I wanted to discuss my work with Mixamo and finding the tutorials that I posted to help other students add characters to their scenes. I am so happy that when I was creating my third assignment I had such a burning desire to add an animated character to my scene, that I spent HOURS finding and looking through tutorials and websites to figure out how to do so. I found Mixamo and their extensive animation library on kind of a fluke. As I looked...

Final Project – Koenig

For my final project I had an idea - I wanted to create a gym or locker room that I could make look like a practice facility and then I wanted to incorporate different Lakers and Kobe Bryant elements to tell a story of his career. To say I encountered some problems completing this project may be the understatement of the semester. My first step was to see what assets I could find online to make my project work. I got very excited because I found literally every asset I...

Assignment 6 – Koenig

For my sound assignment, I decided to incorporate it into my Assignment 5 scene. For my 3D scan i had added myself into a scene of a deserted island, but when reviewing my scene I thought it needed something more to seem less boring. The whole process of finding sound for my scene was actually much easier than I would have thought. I found a website that had free sound effects and searched for beach sounds, but wasn't really happy with the results. Every sound effect sounded muddled or had people...

Assignment 5 – Koenig

ASSIGNMENT 5 LINK For the 3D Scan assignment I decided I wanted to scan myself instead of an object, but first I needed to figure out what I wanted my scene to be. I know the assignment was to add yourself into a scene representing what you did over the summer, but I was taking classes all summer and incredibly bored - boring topic = boring project. I came to the conclusion that if I really wanted to represent myself this summer, I could create a scene that represented my...

Assignment 4 – Koenig

My Mixamo assignment I actually completed along with my Playmaker assignment kind of by accident. When I was first doing my Playmaker assignment, I really wanted to add characters to my scene to give it a little more authenticity and visual interest. In searching for pre-made characters and animations to use I stumbled on Mixamo's website. When thinking about what I wanted to create, I had originally been looking for a character the FPC could interact with in order to get to the treasure. When looking around online at tutorials...

Assignment 3 – Koenig

After my first experience with Unity, I decided to go about creating my second one in a different way. Instead of finding assets in the store that I could somehow turn into a scene, I approached my scene with an idea - then had to find the assets that fit what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to create a scene that had a lot of visual interest, was dark and required participation to interact with my PlayMaker component. I created a lake with choppy water, heavy rain,...

Mixamo Tutorials

Hey Guys, Here are the Mixamo tutorial links, they're pretty straight forward.   Overview:   Unity Workflow:   Mecanim Basics:   Mecanim Advanced:

Assignment 2 – Samantha Koenig

After completing this assignment I'm still unsure how I feel about Unity. Getting the hang of the controls was pretty easy and I really enjoyed all the different possibilities with textures. Maybe I enjoyed those most because those were the easiest to control and create with. However, outside of simple tasks, I found the program a lot less intuitive than I would have thought. The asset store was really interesting to search through and see what others had created, but it seems that unless you're willing to spend some money,...