Assignment 7: Archer Run and Duck

Assignment 7: Archer Run and Duck

(In progress)

This part of the assignment was a tricky one. I did a three step playmaker animation for an archer running back and forth across the field. Using iTween add on, I made the archer sprint across the field then had it come back to its original location for the trigger exit. The three main features that I used was idle, sprint and crouch walking. In addition to the animation I did added in some little tweeks to the iTween move to action. Although its hard to see in the animation when the archer walks back to the home position, the character starts low but increases its momentum and then slows down as it arrives at its home position.

The problems that I had were trying to get the character to constantly move in one direction. As I have learned that when you are downloading a mixamo character, the animation has to be set to in place. Since I didn't know at the time, my character keeps respawning from its original position in Unity, which hilariously causes my character glitch in and out and clip through terrain.

Another problem that I ran into is having to set more than 3 states in my playmaker animation, especially whenever there is a trigger exit transition. I was trying to make my archer stop at the end of each iTween animation, but every time I added a new state before the trigger exit, the animation won't go past the first state.

Also a little side note for characters running long distances across the terrain. If you have a trigger exit state in your character's playmaker animation, increase the size of the collider. The reason is that as the character is moving the collider will also move with it. So if your character is running long distances and have a small collider chances are your character will trigger exit before it gets to its destination.

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