Assignment 8: VR Final Pitch Couwenberg

I will be pitching a VR experience that takes the viewer through the process of a songs creation, performance and promotion. Utilizing VIAR 360, the viewer will be able to explore the different parts of this process and be exposed to multiple parts of the artist's process. Pitch Presentation:

VR Research Presentation: OneRepublic 360 Music Video

I am presenting on a revolutionary music video that is made in 360. The video is the first major narrative music video done in 360 by a major artist posted on Vevo. As a music industry minor, I think VR is going to be really big in the music industry and this video is definitely the first of many 360 music videos that will hit the market in the next few years. Here is my presention: Here is the video:

Assignment 2: 360 Video Crouse Bell Tower

The Experience: Crouse Bell Tower at Sunset I purpose to create a 360° video from the top of the Crouse College bell tower. From the research I have done, I can tell that there is a section of the tower with the bells that ring and a section where the person who is playing them stands and to hit the levers. Eventually, I think putting these two scenes together would make a great experience. However, for the time being, I would like to create a 360° video of what it...