J.C. Kuang

An M.A. candidate in Media Studies at Syracuse's Newhouse School, Juan is pursuing virtual reality creation and analysis as part of his ongoing research in emergent online media and entrepreneurial ecosystems which influence their growth.

Final Project: Failure

This project took a very strange turn.   About a week ago, I found myself in the middle of a nervous breakdown. Slowly but surely I was beginning to realize that all of the ambitious things I had set out to do with my Unity project, were completely unrealistic given my very limited abilities. We all learned so much so quickly in this course, but I think I fooled myself into believing I could do more then I was capable of. To illustrate this point, I've prepared something called the...

Assignment 6 – Playmaker

My greatest triumph in this assignment was debugging all my compatibility issues between the NH Macs and my PC in order to incorporate Playmaker into an existing scene. But anyway, here's a terminal string of logic which activates my jukebox, and a logic loop which operates the Uncooperative Treasure Chest. In case it wasn't obvious, creative walking simulators which make ample use of effects like these (such as The Stanley Parable) to tell engaging stories are a big influence on me.

Assignment 5: Basic Unity Scene

Making this Unity scene was, overall, a pleasurable learning experience that came out about as well as I could have reasonably expected it to. I had little problems importing assets, manipulating terrain, and coming to grips with what is probably the most difficult part of using the Scene Editor: Navigation and UI. However, with a little experimentation and an ergonomic mouse, I overcame. The idea for this scene grew very organically out of the limited resources with which I was working. Beginning with a simple sand albedo terrain texture, I...

Assignment 2: 360 Video Pitch(es[?])

VR and 360 video are parallel developments in their function as "empathy machines". We as content creators must focus on developing narratives and experiences that make the most effective use of this technology's strengths and limitations. For 360 video, one of these strengths is the ability to force a viewer to "search" for developments or unique moments in a narrative or experience. With all this in mind, I strove to come up with a concept for a 360 video that would make use of every (or at least, almost every) inch of...

Assignment 1: The VR Salon

The VR Salon served as an excellent primer for studying and creating contemporary VR content. After studying platforms in both VR and MR, such as the Oculus Rift and the Hololens, it is clear that the rapidly increasing interest in content creation for these mediums will lead to more engaging content which makes more effective use of their advantages (and limitations). A particular technique which was almost universally employed across different VR platforms was the inclusion of a brief acclimation period, usually in a small "tutorial" room, such as Oculus...