A Tip About Audio Compiler Errors.

Hey guys, for the good of posterity I'm posting this in the blog so it doesn't get lost in the Facebook shuffle. When you're working in Unity it is possible to get an audio compiler error that will continue to repeat onto infinity. The error is a pain because you'll be able to move and play in game mode but you won't be able to export your project or save. After monkeying around for a little bit I realized that the audio file in the FPS Controller can conflict with...

Carla Sertin – Stitching very similar videos in Auto Pano

My group filmed three dancers doing a routine to Beyonce's "Formation". Because we filmed in Studio D, which has a wraparound black curtain, the backgrounds looked really similar and Autopano had a meltdown trying to figure out how to stitch the videos together -- to be brief, one of the dancers was working it on the ceiling... I googled the problem and found that you can use a template panorama to help Autopano figure out where each video should go. Basically, you take an existing 360 video project (the file from...

Daghir: Independent Learning Blog

For my independent learning experience, I learned how to use Rogo Digital's Lipsync, an external plugin for Unity (like Playmaker). This plugin allows you to sync an audio file with facial animations, allowing your characters to come to life with dialogue. The plugin has some issues and a bit of a learning curve, but it is very powerful and has excellent developer support. Lipsync works by mapping "phonemes," or specific sounds, to different facial movements. Sometimes, different sounds are produced by making the same mouth shape (i.e., M, B, and P...

Injecting Metadata into Your Video

Hey class, Here’s a quick tutorial on injecting your stitched video with the metadata required to upload it to YouTube.   Go to this page: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6178631?hl=en   Scroll down and download whichever file fits the operating system you’re using. Once you’ve downloaded it, open the 360 Metadata tool and then “open” your video. (Ignore the green text that says "No metadata detected". There isn't any detected because you haven't injected it yet.) Once you've opened you're video, only check off the "Spherical" box. After that, just save your video and...

Tips On Shooting with 360 Degree Video

I recently took the Go Pro rig out for a video shoot and learned a lot about the shooting process. I encountered a lot of problems, and I think this quick list will help anyone who is trying to shoot, especially if it’s your first time.   Charge all the batteries before you leave I had to charge the batteries multiple times while in the field and having had them at full life before leaving may have alleviated this. It took me more time to charge them than it did...

Using C# in Unity: Tutorials I used

You can control the behavior of your characters in Unity using JavaScript(JS) or C#. Though JS is an easier language and a lot of people know it, from my initial research I concluded that C# trumps JS when it comes to scripting on Unity. I added a custom controller to control my character in Unity and added a C# script to define the behavior of the character when keys on keyboard are pressed. I achieved this by following two tutorials: https://community.mixamo.com/hc/en-us/articles/204581427-Unity-Mecanim-Advanced-Animation I followed only half of this tutorial to learn...

360 Video Tips – for GoPro’s and Kolor Stitching Software

These tips were compiled by Professor Ken Harper. Capture/Stitching for Freedom360 and Kolor Pano Apps Capture Tips Use the same exact settings on each GoPro Number each camera Problem areas, movement, vibration and color changes Batteries go fast, 30–60 minutes of shooting, remote too! Objects closer to the camera become more distorted Try to keep your best content outside of the overlapping areas All the videos you want to stitch together have to be in the same folder Account for import time, up to three hours for 30 minutes of...

Mixamo Tutorials

Hey Guys, Here are the Mixamo tutorial links, they're pretty straight forward.   Overview: https://community.mixamo.com/hc/en-us/articles/204570667-Unity-Mixamo-Animation-Overview   Unity Workflow: https://www.mixamo.com/workflows/unity   Mecanim Basics: https://community.mixamo.com/hc/en-us/articles/203879268-Unity-Mecanim-Animation-Basics   Mecanim Advanced: https://community.mixamo.com/hc/en-us/articles/204581427-Unity-Mecanim-Advanced-Animation